ABC Dental

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Choosing the right toothpaste

There’s no right or wrong brand, but make sure your toothpaste contains fluoride.

Additionally, look out for the ADA Seal of Approval on the label. This guarantees that your toothpaste has been endorsed by independent dental professionals, after being rigorously tested to meet the claims it makes.

Contrary to popular belief, it’s better NOT to rinse your mouth straight after brushing. Spit out the excess foam, but it’s completely harmless to swallow the rest. Many people believe that toothpaste must be rinsed off, like soap, but this isn’t true. One study shows you can boost tooth protection by 40 per cent by avoiding rinsing your mouth after you brush.

The best protection from tooth decay is fluoride, because it’s absorbed by dental plaque and demineralised enamel. A standard toothpaste contains adequate fluoride levels (approximately 1000 to 1500 ppm), but you can buy a high concentration product that contains 5000 ppm. During your next appointment ask your dentist whether or not this is necessary. Book now or call us at 02 8383 1400.