Missing Teeth? See what we can offer!

Do you or your family have missing teeth?

It might be one of your back teeth where there’s not much visibility but functionality is gone or it can be in the front teeth which might impact your smile.

At ABC Dental, we have many different options for you to replace that missing teeth!

  • Dentures

The most cost effective way to replace multiple missing teeth, however compromises chewing function, can cause discomfort.

  • Dental Bridge

Numerous crowns or caps joined together to replace multiple missing teeth.

  • Dental Implant

Implant Bridge

Available when you have multiple missing teeth which creates a big gap between existing teeth.

  • Smile Design Implant

If your missing tooth or teeth is at the front, we can restore it using our unique technology to restore your smile tailed to your face!

Missing Tooth replacement at ABC Dental is convenient, easy, fast and affordable. Book now to discuss your options at ABC Dental!