Missing Teeth - What to do? | ABC Dental

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Missing Teeth - What to do?


Teeth might become missing for a number of reasons such as decay, poor gum health or breaking due to accidents. It's not only your smile that is affected by missing teeth. There is an increased susceptibility to gum issues, other teeth becoming misaligned and the more serious case of losing chewing function as well as losing confidence in your own smile.

At ABC Dental you have a number of options to replace your missing teeth and one of them might be just what you are looking for. The most cost effective way is wearing a denture but it is also the less satisfying result. The best options are a dental bridge - when several tooth caps are joined together - and implants. Our dentists are prepared to help you find the best solution for your oral health.

Our prices start at $2,000 for a denture, while bridges cost $1,500 per unit and the technical minimum is three. Implants start at $4,500 and at ABC Dental we cap the maximum price at $20,000 in case of multiple missing teeth. Book a consult now online or call us at 02 8383 1400 to get a quote for your missing teeth replacement treatment.
