The best dental crown for the best price | ABC Dental

We are open Sundays, please call 8383 1400 to book an appointment

The best dental crown for the best price


A dental crown or a tooth crown is a tooth-shaped cap that is placed over your natural tooth and it is used to repair teeth that have been worn down due to grinding, an improper bite, age, fillings and tooth decay.  You may require a dental crown for several reasons including:

  • After root canal treatment

  • For a broken or chipped tooth

  • To replace an old filling

  • Or simply to improve the look of your smile

A dental crown, or tooth cap as they are sometimes referred to, will help protect your tooth from any further damage or infection

The cost for your dental crown in Sydney will typically be around $1,600 per crown but at ABC Dental you can have your crown for $1,100. On top of that we make our Dental Crowns in-house to ensure quality and we are also able to provide Dental Crowns in only 1 visit.

If you want the best crown for the best price in Sydney, click here to book now or call us at 02 8383 1400
