Teeth Whitening for a Whiter Smile | ABC Dental

We are open Sundays, please call 8383 1400 to book an appointment

Teeth Whitening for a Whiter Smile


As we resume our normal lives going back to work and returning to our daily routines, ABC Dental can help you transform stained or discoloured teeth into a whiter smile with the best professional teeth whitening treatment available.

The unprecedented times we have been through saw us contained to our homes and our diet has been impacted – increased consumption of coffee, tea, curry, soy sauces, red wine and the likes might seem amazing to our palate but not so much to our teeth colour. The good news is at ABC Dental we have just the right treatment option for your smile to become whiter and brighter.

We offer Philips ZOOM™ professional whitening because it is the best teeth whitening method for the quickest results. You get a much brighter smile almost instantly because it is based on advanced light activated technology which delivers excellent results in just one procedure. We are waiting for you at ABC Dental for a brighter smile that will make you look and feel younger.

Ready for a brighter smile? Click to book now or call us on 02 8383 1400
